AI Travel Mobile Application – Privacy Policy

Owned by Infoleader SLU with Tax Identification Number (CIF) B39805429.


1. Data Collection
We collect data to enhance the AI Travel experience. This includes data provided by users during registration or sign-up and data automatically collected by the application.


2. Use of Data
The collected data is used to:

Facilitate the application’s use.
Personalize and enhance the user’s experience.
Send relevant communications.
Provide customer support.
Detect and prevent fraud.
Comply with legal and regulatory obligations.
Conduct analysis and improvements of the application.
Given AI Travel’s nature and objectives, we will retain your data for a period of 5 years following the last interaction with the platform.


3. Data Sharing
Infoleader SLU commits not to sell or share your data with unrelated third parties for commercial purposes without the user’s explicit consent.


4. Data Protection
We employ robust security measures to ensure the user’s data integrity and confidentiality, adhering to EU data protection standards.


5. User Rights
Users have the right to access, rectify, or delete their personal data. Requests can be made directly through our application or contact channels.


6. Changes to the Privacy Policy
Infoleader SLU owner of AI Travel Mobile application reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. Any significant changes will be clearly and timely communicated to users.